Best Dairy Free Greek Yogurt

  1. Greek Non Dairy Yogurt
  2. Best Dairy Free Greek Yogurt
  3. Best Lactose Free Greek Yogurt

Nov 13, 2014 - Let's talk about the lactose in greek yogurt. Then, let's look into some lactose free greek yogurt brands and find out which one suits you best! You are the best. I’ve been looking for a dairy free yogurt at my grocery store but no luck. SO, I thought, I should try to make it. But then Ugh the ingredients and equipments. This is just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks a million. Mix healthy dairy (or dairy-free) foods into your diet. Find the best dairy and non-dairy yogurt, cheese, milk, milk alternatives, and more here.

I suspect it's the preservatives in the carton coconut milk that might have made this not work. I only tested this with canned coconut milk (I use this because it contains little to zero preservatives) and unprocessed whole milk. Did you bring the yogurt up to 115 and then down to 110? Maybe your candy thermometer isn't calibrated correctly? I've never seen the mixture curdle. What brand of coconut yogurt did you use? Sorry for all of the questions, but the more I know the easier it will be to figure out what went wrong.

I add chia seeds after the culturing process - after 12 hours, there's barely a crunch to the seeds so there's no difference in taste. You can strain the yogurt but I don't have the energy to use the whey all the time and I hate to think of wasting so much good, organic milk. This was my way of doing it since I have a hard time stomaching the smell of gelatin - many say it's odourless but I find it vile and hard to get out of my nostrils! Yay to everyone trying this at home - homemade stuff is incomparable to the store stuff.

How long does it take for the gelatin to thicken the yogurt? I used coconut yogurt and bought the gelatin recommended. I actually made it twice. The first time, I grew some uninvited bacteria on top! However, the consistency of that batch was beautiful, like custard. So, I tried again and made sure to sanitize all my utensils carefully with boiling water.


But, this time, there was a hard layer on the top that I think is just separating fat? And underneath, it is still pretty runny.

It isn't like water, it's more like a thick milk or runny pudding. It's been in the fridge for four hours and is cool.does it just need more time?Thanks! I was wondering how much culture to add to the coconut milk if I'm just beginning and don't have the 3 tablespoons from a previous batch?

I have Culture starter packets from Body Ecology but I have no idea how much to add. I also have grass fed beef gelatin.

Greek Non Dairy Yogurt

Do you think if I added some it would help make my yogurt even thicker? I also was thinking that I could use the two full cans of coconut milk and not have to separate the cream if I used gelatin to make it thicker? Sorry for all the questions!!!

I have never done this before can you tell? Thanks for listening! I'm a nut for homemade yogurt. I'm also a newbie. I have a yogurt maker that holds a litre of milk and a little starter. I turn it on and in about 8 hours, I have yogurt.

Best Dairy Free Greek Yogurt


Best Lactose Free Greek Yogurt

I usually strain it to get Greek yogurt. I have a question. Okay, I have a couple. 1) using store bought milk, in my yogurt maker, when would I add the gelatin? 2) Does the gelatin change the texture of the yogurt? (How does it compare to Greek yogurt that was strained?) 3) Can I use rice milk to make yogurt?