But, this time, there was a hard layer on the top that I think is just separating fat? And underneath, it is still pretty runny.
It isn't like water, it's more like a thick milk or runny pudding. It's been in the fridge for four hours and is cool.does it just need more time?Thanks! I was wondering how much culture to add to the coconut milk if I'm just beginning and don't have the 3 tablespoons from a previous batch?
I have Culture starter packets from Body Ecology but I have no idea how much to add. I also have grass fed beef gelatin.
Do you think if I added some it would help make my yogurt even thicker? I also was thinking that I could use the two full cans of coconut milk and not have to separate the cream if I used gelatin to make it thicker? Sorry for all the questions!!!
I have never done this before can you tell? Thanks for listening! I'm a nut for homemade yogurt. I'm also a newbie. I have a yogurt maker that holds a litre of milk and a little starter. I turn it on and in about 8 hours, I have yogurt.
I usually strain it to get Greek yogurt. I have a question. Okay, I have a couple. 1) using store bought milk, in my yogurt maker, when would I add the gelatin? 2) Does the gelatin change the texture of the yogurt? (How does it compare to Greek yogurt that was strained?) 3) Can I use rice milk to make yogurt?